Lizard Symbolism. . . Far from the beaten path on a dusty trail a Lizard scuttles from beneath the brush, he scampers high up onto a rock so that you may view him in his full glory. Lizard is a sundancer, a sun worshiper, he takes in healing energies as he basks in the glorious warmth of the golden beams of light. Dancing in the arid desert breeze his tail sways back and forth and you know he has a mystical tale to tell you.
Lizard Meaning and Power Animal Medicine. . . Lizard is an ancient one, a survivor of the age of the dinosaur in miniature form. Lizard has learned the ways of survival. He has transcended the powers of survival into the powers of regeneration. He intrinsically knows that he has the power to survive anything, to overcome anything and to heal from anything.
Lizard lounges in the sun the warmth relaxing him, wooing him into a state of surrender. In this state of stillness, the warmth becomes liquid spilling into his being, filling every pore and cell with nurturing healing energies. Healing energies so powerful and pure they bring the gift of physical regeneration. If the Lizard should happen to lose his tale in a battle of survival, he quickly regrows a new one to take it's place.
Lizard symbolism teaches us that there are powers yet untapped within us too. Powers of regeneration and renewal are available to us so that we may be transformed and transcend beyond our wounds and what has happened to us.
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Sun, Stones, Claws, Desert
Stillness, Sensitivity, Tread Lightly, Balance
Lucid Dreaming, Clairvoyance, Perception
Regeneration, Renewal, Rebirth
Traditional meanings of The Lizard convey that the Lizard is symbolic of heightened sensitivity, perception of subtle energies esp, and the unknown, as well as abilities of clairvoyance
Lizard Symbolism & Secrets of Regeneration . . .
Lizard spirit animal teaches the sacred lessons of regeneration that we can tap into.
Regeneration begins by letting go of something. Just as the Lizard loses his tail in battle, we too must surrender what no longer serves us so that we may be open to the regenerative energies of life that the universe has to offer us.
It is only when we can let go that the process of transformation and regeneration can begin.
In the warm glow of this knowledge, just as the Lizard bathes in the sun, we can see that our horizons are many, many new possibilities await us.
As the Lizard lies in the soothing radiant waves of the sun, his mind is free, dancing on the winds of imagination and dreams. It is here that the abilities of lucid dreaming reveals itself to the dreamer.
The lucid dream is a reality where we have the ability to construct and maneuver the scenario before us. In the lucid dream you become the director, the dream begins to play out exactly as you imagine. Deep within the lucid dream, you and you alone can control your destiny.
The experienced lucid dreamer can take the elements from the dream and begin shaping them in his 3D life, he begins to see with new eyes. The eyes of the lucid dreamer see how to craft and create a scenario beyond the dream state. In this new state of awareness things shift, transform and regenerate. The awareness begins to change the life of the dreamer as knowledge and possibilities move into place.
The dreamer is transformed, regenerated and what once held him back has now become his inner fire, he now sees himself as very powerful in his own life. He now knows he can move from any pain or trauma into a place where he has the ability to transform what has happened into a creative force of renewal. This is regeneration of a lost or wounded warrior, one who has been struggling and fighting their whole life to see the true potential within. You will know in mind, body and soul that you can survive anything, overcome anything and regenerate into all that you dream of.
The spiritual meaning of the Lizard is to be set free of the limitations of the past, and to be born into a higher awareness of self and abilities. The Dragon also offers great insight into the new realms of power. The magic of lizard symbolism is extrasensory perception and clairvoyance.
Lizard Symbolism ~ by Presley Love | Lizards & Amphibians | Wikipedia
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Other great sources of traditional symbolism: National Geo, Wikipedia
To support the welfare of animals : World Wildlife Fund
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