Tree of Life Meaning. . .
The tree of life is a mystical and magical tree well known throughout many cultures, dating back to ancient times. Different races and religions call it by different names,each having its own tree of life in their mythologies. They all have similar meanings as the source of life in their respective cultures.
Tree of Life symbols and what they represent. . .
The symbols of the tree of life are comprised of all the aspects of the tree itself and what those elements mean. You have the roots, the trunk, branches, leaves, and all types of fruit coming from the same tree. All of these parts of the tree represent the tree in a symbolic way.
The roots dig deep, the trunk establishes a foundation, the branches reach out for sustenance, the leaves collect strength, and the fruit gives of itself.
Tree of Life meaning and inspiration. . .
The tree of life meaning comes from its symbolic aspects. If you take a look at the symbols you can extract the meaning through each of these symbols. First, the tree of life provides, the breath of life. This breath, is also represented by the spiritual nature of air, which is to "inspire".
The significance of the leaves of the tree have been thought to be "healing" in its properties. So we look at healing from not only the physical point of view, but from the spiritual or emotional point of view.
Tree of Life Symbolism and nourishment. . .
The tree of life meaning symbolizes many nurturing aspects of life. In its branches, it symbolizes reaching out to accept the nourishment of the sun. In its leaves, it captures that nourishment and cherishes it through transformation into life giving food.
In its roots, it digs deep into the soul of the Earth. It embraces the Earth with its roots, and recognizes the soil as its mother. In the roots and branches it acknowledges Mother Earth and Father Sun. It is a full recognition of the life that supports it, and its spiritual origins.
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The Attributes of The Tree of Life
The Tree of Life symbols ~ Air, Water, Fire, and Earth.
The Tree of Life powers ~ Healing, Rejuvenation, Sustenance.
Tree of Life Magic ~ Telepathy, Osmosis, Communication.
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The Tree of Life and the elements. . .
The tree of life meaning and the elements are intimately involved. Fire, Earth, Air, and Water all combine their forces to create the awesome life giving power of the tree of life. From fire comes the power of the sun that imbues the tree with living light.
From earth comes the nourishment to the roots that combines its strength with the sun to provide the food that the tree needs to render its live giving power.
From the waters comes the power to imbibe the vital essence of life that causes the fruit to grow and supply those who seek eternal life with the mystical power of its unique fruit.
From air there is a communication exchange with the environment that benefits it and the tree.
The Christian Tree of Life and immortality. . .
In the Bible it was said that if you ate of the tree of life, that you would live forever. Since Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge, they became conscious of their own evil, thereby nullifying their innocence. They were forbidden to eat of the tree of life for their own good because they would condemn themselves to eternal awareness of their own shortcomings. That is why they were cast out of the Garden of Eden, for their protection from that fate.
The Norse World Tree and the Tree of life. . .
The Norse World Tree Is the pagan version of the tree of life. It encompasses all realms of existence and binds them together. It is eternal in nature, having no beginning, and no end. Its fruit is said to keep the gods youthful.
The Tree of Life is a symbol of immortality and the healing of the soul.
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Other great sources of traditional symbolism: National Geo, Wikipedia
To support the welfare of animals : World Wildlife Fund
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